Privacy Policy

Luxury villas in Pefkohori Halkidiki
Home / Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

The protection of personal data is a key priority of the Company under the name “Dionisos Luxury Villas”. Through this Privacy Policy – hereinafter referred to as: Privacy Policy, we want to inform you about the nature, types and purposes for which personal data is collected, used and processed. We also want to inform those who own the personal data about their rights.

The Company under the name “Dionisos Luxury Villas”, is the owner of the website , which will hereinafter be referred to as “the Company”. The users – visitors of the website from now on will be referred to as “the Customer”. This Privacy Policy is part of the Terms of Use of the website and covers the personal data of users – visitors collected exclusively by the Company, but does not cover their relationship with any service, which is not subject to ownership or / and under its control and is governed by its own Privacy Policy.

As a trusted and ethical Company we take a variety of technical and organizational measures in order to achieve the highest possible degree of data protection. However, we point out that there is no “guaranteed” uninterrupted and error-free operation, given the problems and risks that may arise from factors that are not subject to full control of the Company on and off the Internet.

This Privacy Policy is part of a set of actions we have taken to comply with the applicable national, European and international legal framework on data protection and privacy and in particular with the General Regulation of Personal Data Protection 679/2016 of the European Union. Any collection and processing of Personal Data will be carried out in a lawful manner, based on Law 2472/1997 on “Protection of the Person from the Processing of Personal Data” and the decisions and regulations of the Personal Data Protection Authority.

All users – visitors of the Website are kindly requested to read the Privacy Policy, in order to be informed about the policies and practices we have developed in order to protect your personal information.

Details of the Processor
Dionysia Sismanidou
Address: Pefkochori, Kassandra, PC 63085, Halkidiki, Greece
Phone: +30 6972990842


2. Types of information we collect

The Company collects only as much information as it needs to provide services that meet your needs. Usually this information includes:
• contact details (name, e-mail address, postal address of residence or work, landline and mobile phone number),
• credit card details (card type, credit card number, holder name, expiration date and security code),
• information that contributes to better service (arrival and departure dates, names of all guests in the accommodation, room preferences),
• information resulting from your visits to our website through cookies,

If the Customer only wants to receive a newsletter, he can only state the e-mail address. The Company may keep on file the personal data that it will receive after clear information and consent of the Customer, for a specific purpose, with a specific duration, confidentiality and security.


3. Purpose of collecting personal data

We always want to keep you informed about the purpose of collecting and using your personal information, which comes into our possession when you are informed about our services and / or visit our accommodation. You will never be asked for more information than we really need to satisfy your requests and communicate with you effectively. In general, we collect information in order to:

• contact you to book a room,
• respond to and manage your requests before arrival and during your stay,
• send you a newsletter and other information material about the services and offers provided,
• receive your comments during or after the completion of your stay in our accommodation.
The information stated in the contact form of the website is considered exclusively an electronic question for the best and immediate communication and customer service and does not constitute in any case an online reservation.


4. Consent

Your consent is always sought when we are going to use your personal data for purposes other than those related to the provision of our services. For example, direct marketing purposes such as sending informative emails and newsletters.

You should be aware that you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us either by phone at +30 2374063062 or by email at . In particular, when it comes to the newsletter you receive from us, you can always opt out by clicking on the link included in such communications.

In case you provide us with personal information of a third party, you have the responsibility to inform that person of the use of his or her information and to obtain his or her express consent that such information is provided for the purposes set out above. In any case, the Privacy Policy applies to any information obtained from a third party.


5. Time of keeping personal data

Your personal data is kept secure for as long as the Customer uses the services of the Company and are deleted at the end of the transaction relationship between the two parties or before its termination if requested by the Customer. More specifically, we hold your personal information in a way that allows you to be identified only as required by the relevant collection and processing purpose. In addition, the retention time for some of your personal data may depend on the relevant legislation as well as our relevant policies in terms of dispute resolution, grievance redress, fraud prevention and other illegal activities


6. Disclosure of personal data

The Company, in the context of the operation of its website, expressly states that the personal data, collected for the purposes mentioned above, are not for any reason transferred or disclosed to any third party, unless:

• you have given us relevant explicit consent,
• it is necessary for us to provide you with a service you have requested (eg your transfer from the airport / port or other point of arrival to our accommodation),
• when companies or service providers conducting business on our behalf need such information in order to carry out the tasks set out in their agreements with us (eg credit card processing by banks),
• required by law by court order or at the request of any other competent governmental, judicial, police, administrative or regulatory authority, upon lawful request and in accordance with the relevant laws,
• in the event of an emergency, such as the preservation of a person’s life, health or property.

When the information is transferred to third parties as mentioned above, the information provided is limited to the extent necessary to achieve the specific purpose.
Unless otherwise prohibited by legal process, third parties are obligated and committed to the Company to protect your personal data in accordance with our policy and to comply with applicable privacy laws and regulations.


7. Your rights

We have to inform you that according to the European legislation on personal data, you have a number of rights in relation to your personal data held by us. Specifically, you can ask us to:

• give you a copy of your data,
• correct your data if you believe it is inaccurate,
• delete your data, if there are specific reasons,
• limit the processing we do of your data,
• give you your data in an appropriate format as well as transfer it to another company,
• stop processing the data you have given us through consent and especially what we use to send the newsletter.

To ask us to do any of the above, you can contact us either by phone (+30 2374063062) or by email: We will consider your request without delay in accordance with the relevant provisions of the current legislation on personal data and will respond to you within thirty days of receipt of your request. If, due to the complexity of the request or the plethora of requests, we are unable to respond to you in a timely manner, we will notify you within those thirty days of any delay, which in no case may exceed two months from the expiry of the 30-day period. We may ask you for some identification (eg a copy of your identity card or passport) in order to avoid unauthorized disclosure of your personal data.

To ensure that your personal information is accurate and up-to-date, we encourage you to keep us regularly informed of any changes to your personal details, as appropriate (eg in the event of a change in your email address). We assure you that we value your trust and we take immediate responsibility to respond to any request, question or complaint.


8. Security

We recognize the importance of information security and are in a constant process of reviewing and improving the technical and organizational measures we take. For both our website and our servers and other information infrastructure, we have defined and implemented appropriate security measures to protect your data from misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, loss, alteration or destruction. While there is no “guaranteed security” either on or off the Internet, we protect your information by using appropriate administrative, procedural and technical safeguards, including controlled access, firewalls and the use of encryption.


9. Cookies

When you visit our website we receive information about you using some small files of alphanumeric characters called cookies which are stored on your computer. Cookies assign your computer a unique ID, which in turn becomes your identity every time you return to our website.

Cookies are designed to save you time, because they help us offer you a customized experience without having to remind us of your preferences every time you return to our website. Cookies do not cause damage to your electronic equipment, nor can they read information from other files on your computer hard drive.

Our cookies follow you only while you are on our website and do not collect information about you from the moment you leave it and go to another website. We are not the only ones who place cookies on your computer and we are not responsible for the presence of third party cookies and the way they are used.

The application (browser) you use to visit websites can be configured to handle cookies according to your preferences:
• accept all cookies,
• reject all cookies,
• ask you to accept or reject cookies on a case by case basis.

You should contact the manufacturer or supplier of your browser to find out more about its cookie security settings. We inform you that if you reject all cookies you may not be able to use our website in full.
For the use of cookies your consent is required. Exceptions to this rule are only cookies that serve the functional needs of the website (functional cookies) and are necessary for its appearance and effective operation.

Disclaimer for third party websites
Although the website may contain links to third party websites, it is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these websites and expressly disclaims any responsibility for any loss or damage that may be caused by the use of such links. We do not track the privacy practices or the content of these sites. If you have any questions about the privacy practices of another website, you should contact the privacy officer of that website.


10. Personal data of minors

Our firm policy is not to acquire and / or maintain information about persons under the age of eighteen (18) except what is provided to us by their escorts (parents, guardians) and is absolutely necessary for the provision of services (eg crib placement).


11. Revisions to this Privacy Policy

In order to adapt to the current legal, regulatory, business and technological environment, we would like to inform you that it is possible to modify the Privacy Policy. Any change or modification of the Privacy Policy can be made at any time and will be implemented immediately, without notifying our Customers, after it is posted on the website. The use of the website after the posting of the changes or modifications, will be accepted by the Customer.


12. Communication

We desire and seek to contact you for matters relating to your personal data and the protection of your privacy, such as:
• updating your information,
• changing the way you want to communicate,
• the interruption of the sending of informative and promotional messages by us,
• asking questions or commenting on our privacy practices and this Privacy Policy.


13. Accept terms

The use of the website is done with the acceptance and consent of you in the collection and processing of your Personal Data as defined above. In case of disagreement with the Privacy Policy please refrain from using this website.




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